Курсовая работа: Environmental protection
Курсовая работа: Environmental protection
Introduction. 2
Air pollution. 4
Deforestation. 5
Acid rain. 8
The “Green House Effect”. 9
Water pollution. 11
Toxic waste pollution. 14
Environmental movements. 16
Conclusion. 21
Appendix. 23
#1. Rates of deforestation. 23
#2. Carbon Dioxide Emissions per Units of Economic Output 23
# 3 Increase of global surface temperature. 24
References. 25
Pollution is probably the most important problem in
the world today. One of the reasons it is so important to human beings is that
we know that we brought about pollution. Unlike most of the other problems in
the world, such as AIDS, pollution is a human creation. Since the beginning of
time, whenever human beings changed their environment, they were greatly
affected. Areas where pollution is extremely high encounter death rates and
disease rates that are sometimes 15 or 20 times more than areas without
pollution. Greedy corporations are pushing these problems to areas not ready to
encounter this high level of pollution, and if something isn’t done soon to
curtail these problems, we will all surely feel the longstanding effects they
During the 1960’s, which I call the “Throwaway” era,
Plastics and Styrofoam[1]
were thrown away without a care, and now we are finally seeing what that kind
of stupidity can cause. At first, children began to understand the drastic
changes that the entire world was facing. The planet was changing, and adults
were doing nothing to save it. Yet, the polluted planet was being handed to the
younger generations, who, while more educated on the topic, were not
sufficiently knowledgeable to control earth’s problems. Nowadays, children are
leading the environmental revolution. More educated and smarter on the issues
that the world is facing, children are changing the planet. Still, all the
education in the world cannot counter the pressure that Big Business is putting
on the globe. Chemicals, human wastes, toxic wastes, and other kinds of pollution
are beyond repair in some cases. Corporations do not care about the planet;
they are willing to trade off small environmental risks for jobs and success in
individual communities. Of course, most people in those communities don’t
realize that them taking a job with these companies is detrimental to their
Whenever I think of pollution’s effect on the world,
I think of its effect on innocent human beings. When someone becomes sick or
dies of some kind of sickness brought about by pollution, their human rights
come into question. I think human rights, although usually reserved for
genocide or other acts of evil, can encompass pollution as well. Our human
right is simply the right we have to live our lives as we please, to live our
lives without being hurt or affected unless we want to, and the basic needs we
as human beings have. Pollution brought about by other people on us is not our
choice. Therefore, whenever an area where humans live is polluted, it is a
violation of that person’s human rights.
Nowadays, in an age where people are starting to
fight back against corruption, the average Joe is winning the battle with Big
Business. Pollution is being taken on with a vengeance, and people are
beginning to notice how nice it is to rid the place they live in of pollution. Laws
are being passed day in and day out in order to help the average person in
their battle with pollution.
In order to talk about the problems we face today,
we must go back hundreds of years to take a look at the effects pollution had
on human beings in the past. The Industrial Revolution in both America and
Europe let factories pollute the air without regulation. Because of that, the
air pollution in certain areas of the world is causing death to this day.
Certain cities in the Northeast United States have air that sometimes has 5 or
10 times more soot in it than the International Standard. The English “Black
Country” is aptly named that because of the color of the air. For years, people
there have lived in an area with the lowest quality of life in Western Europe.
The average live expectancy in “Black Country”, England, is 10 years less than
the rest of the country.”[2]
The reason not much has been done to change that is because it has been that
way for more than 100 years. One of the problems with pollution is that if it
becomes common, then people stop caring.
Another problem stemming from years ago is waste disposal. For many years,
human waste was just let out into rivers and streams, spreading disease and
sickness. A prime example of that is London, England. “By the 1850’s, the
Thames River was so polluted that it was portrayed in cartoons with Death
rowing along it.”[3]
A public outcry then prompted the city to develop a proper sewage system, but
years of damage had been done, and the river is still not clean to this day.
Another problem dealing with waste disposal is the fact that human waste is
still dumped into rivers, lakes, and oceans without the proper treatment.
Although the oceans aren’t greatly affected by a small amount of waste, over
time it could definitely begin to hurt human interests in them, such as the
fishing industry. In rivers and lakes though, there is usually no way for the waste
to find its way out of the water. Because of the water systems we use on earth,
this could be highly dangerous. “Using dirty water can make everyday activities
like washing clothes and bathing dangerous, due to the infection that lies
within the bacteria that live on human waste.” (Johnstone, 9) If people
continue to use dirty water, that disease will spread to unimaginable levels.
Air pollution
itself is a very broad category, and there are many different kinds of pollution.
One of those is air pollution. Air pollution is probably the longest
lasting type of pollution there is. Because of the Industrial Revolution,
factories spewed out smoke and chemicals that had never been in contact with
human lungs before. To this day the same problem remains. Air pollution,
although regulated, cannot be contained in many cases. In certain areas of the
world, air pollution is out of control.
Air pollution
occurs when wastes dirty the make the air dirty. People produce most of the
waste that cause air pollution. Such waste can be in the form of gases or be
particulates (particles of solid or liquid manner). These substance result
chiefly from burning fuel to power motor vehicles and to heat buildings.
industrial processes and the burning of garbage also contribute to air
pollution. Natural pollutants include ,pollen,soil particulates, dust, and
naturally occuring gases. Also more causes of air pollution are forms of
transportation such as automobiles,airplanes,ships, and trains.
It is the
immediate effect of air pollution on urban atmospheres that is most noticeable
and causes the strongest public reaction. The city of Los Angeles has been
noted for both the extent of its air pollution and the actions undertaken for
control. Los Angeles lies in a coastal plain, surrounded by mountains that
restrict the inward sweep of air and that separate a desert from the coastal
climate. Fog moving in from the ocean is normal to the city. Temperature
inversions characterized by the establishment of a layer of warm air on top of
a layer of cooler air prevent the air near the ground from rising.
Air Pollution
has a negative impact on water quality. For the past 30 years, scientists have
collected a considerable amount of convincing information demonstrating that
air pollutants can be deposited on land and water, sometimes at great distances
from their original sources, and can be an important contributor to declining
water quality. These air pollutants can have undesirable health and
environmental impacts, such as contaminated fish, harmful algal blooms, and
unsafe drinking water. Researchers had found the sources of these air
pollutants. They have worked diligently to improve the environment.
Factory and
business owners have the ability to prevent air pollution. The government
should take action, requiring equipment to cut down on hydrocarbons in the
atmosphere. The little spent regulating equipment used in factories can go a
long way saving billions on health problems and other related issues. Background
Over 150 million people in the United States live in areas where the
Environmental Protection Agency considers the air to be unhealthy. Air
pollution is the presence in the atmosphere of harmful gases, liquids, or
solids. Smog has been a problem in coal-burning areas for several centuries
At the present
rate of tropical deforestation, the world's remaining tropical rainforests will
vanish in just 30 years[4].
in the tropical areas of the world is following a course similar to the earlier
clearing of the forests in Europe and North America, only advancing more
Since just
1950, the world's population has more than doubled to more than 6 billion
people, with the fastest population growth being in the tropics. Today, more
than 3 billion people live in the tropics alone, more than lived in the entire
world in 1950. To provide food, wood, fuel and resources for the world's
rapidly growing population, and to make room for the exploding tropical
population, the world's tropical rainforests are literally disappearing.
Even with
tropical deforestation at an all-time high, tropical hardwood prices continue
to climb as world demand for tropical hardwoods continues to grow. A single
teak log for example can now bring as much as $20,000. Annual world consumption
of tropical hardwoods is now more than 250 million cubic meters, or over 100
billion board feet, per year.
Southeast Asia
until recently has been the largest source of supply for tropical hardwoods,
but that area will largely be depleted within the next five years. All of the
primary forests in India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh are gone. Ivory Coast's
forests are essentially non-existent. Nigeria's forests have been decimated as
well. As Asia's and Africa's tropical forests are depleted, consuming countries
are turning increasing attention to Latin America and the Amazon, whose own
rapidly growing population is also a source of pressure on the rainforests.
Also, trillions of dollars worth of oil, gas, uranium, gold, iron, bauxite and
other minerals, and millions of acres of potential farm land, lie under the
Amazon, the largest area of rainforest remaining on Earth.
rainforests are being cleared on a vast scale for settlements, logging, gold
mining, petroleum, cattle ranching, sugar cane (for gasohol), large hydro dams,
and charcoal for smelting ore. Peasant farmers also clear the rainforest to have
land for planting, by cutting the forest, and then in the dry season burning
what they have cut.
During one
month in 1995 for example, NASA satellite surveys of Brazil recorded 39,889
individual fires, up 370 percent from the same month of the prior year.
In neighboring Bolivia the smoke is sometimes so thick that schools have to
close and flights have to be delayed or canceled.
estimate that until as recently as 10,000 years ago, the world had 6 billion
acres of tropical rainforests. By 1950, we had a little less than 2.8 billion
acres of rainforest. It was then being cut down at the rate of about 10 to 15
million acres per year. Today we have less than 1.5 billion acres left, and we
are clearing this remaining rainforest at the rate of 30 to 50 million acres
per year, two to three times as rapidly as just a few decades ago.
If the present
rate of tropical deforestation continues, there will be nearly no tropical
rainforests left in just 30 years. Instead of holding steady however, the
rate of deforestation is actually predicted to increase even further.
project that the rate of tropical deforestation will continue to increase for
the next 10 to 15 years until there simply will not be enough forest left to
sustain the rate of cutting.
The chart (see
appendix #1) dramatically illustrates the fate of the world's rainforests.
As the world's population increases, and therefore the
competition for land, food and resources also increase, it appears that the
world's rainforests will continue to fall at an increasingly accelerating
rate. The newest data dramatically confirms that:
deforestation is a very serious and growing problem. Scientists may disagree on
the details, but they all agree that the implications for mankind are huge - in
terms of possible global warming, increasing desertification (the world's
deserts are now growing 27,000 square miles per year), and loss of
biodiversity, to name a few
must do everything reasonable we can to protect the world's remaining
important way to help is to plant tropical hardwood trees for harvests, to
produce tropical hardwoods that aren't taken from the natural rainforest
individuals, we may at times feel insignificant, but by working together, we
can indeed make a difference
and by
being an example for others, we can multiply the result
latest statistics also dramatically underscore the benefits of planting
tropical hardwood plantations:
as the
world's population continues to increase in numbers and prosperity, the demand
for beautiful tropical hardwoods will continue to grow rapidly
country after country in the tropics depletes its own supply of tropical forest
and passes from being an exporter of tropical hardwoods to having to import
wood to fulfill its domestic needs, international demand for tropical hardwoods
will continue to grow dramatically
as the
world loses more and more rainforest, there will be a rising imperative to
protect the small amount of rainforest remaining
international demand for tropical hardwoods increases and the availability of
the natural rainforests as a source of supply of these hardwoods decreases,
both because of continued harvesting and because the dwindling remaining
forests will be increasingly protected, the prices of all tropical hardwoods
will likely soar
is substantial opportunity in planting nearly any species of tropical hardwoods
- and even more opportunity in planting tropical hardwoods that are sought
after for their beauty or unique properties.
A further
result of air pollution is acid rain. Acid rain basically appears when
factories release high levels of sulfur into the air. The sulfur then combines
with rainwater to form a weak sulfuric acid. Acid rain itself cannot harm
humans, but it can harm our environment and our quality of life. Over time, the
acid rain will kill plants, weaken structures and homes used by humans, and can
even kill life in entire lakes and rivers. And since studies have yet to be
completely conclusive, nobody knows how it affects us physically in the long
run. One of the reasons it is such a threat is because it travels in the air
and may fall on areas that did not produce it. Since acid rain can be prevented
by government regulation, stopping the release of sulfur into the air is a
definite first step to curbing acid rain.
In early 1974,
scientists warned governments across the globe that the release of certain
industrial chemicals, such as CFCs and Halons, could result in a thinning of our
ozone layer. The ozone layer is a part of our atmosphere that prevents most
Ultraviolet rays from entering the earth’s surface layer. It allows only enough
high-energy radiation to enter so that Vitamin D in humans can become active.
Too much radiation, and certain human mutations begin to occur. In 1985, a hole
in the ozone layer was discovered over Antarctica. Over the past 10 years, more
and more holes were discovered over different parts of the world. Since then,
skin cancer rates have skyrocketed, as well as levels of radiation among human
beings. “Almost 4% of the world population will encounter some type of skin
cancer within the next five years.”[5]
Contrary to popular belief, skin cancer can be deadly if not treated properly.
All of these problems stem from air pollution created by factories and plants.
If we can reduce air pollution, the air may be clean within the next 100 or 150
The “Green House Effect”
The greenhouse effect is
a benign feature of the ecosystem . Certain gases in the atmosphere, such as
CO2, CH4 , N2O, O3, CFC, allow the sunlight reach the earth but prevent the
heat from escaping and thus the temperature of the earth remains stable. These five different gases
have different influence on the "greenhouse." If CO2 can have twice
as much effect, then CH4 can have ten times as much, N2O a hundred times and
CFC ten thousand times. Besides, the steam of water can also lead to the
greenhouse effect. The sensitivity of the climatic system to greenhouse gases
is such that the equivalent of a doubling of CO2 could ultimately
increase the average global temperature by somewhere between 1°C and 5°C.
But nowadays the
greenhouse gases absorb sunlight and infrared radiation which produces heat and
it increases continuously. In principle, the temperature of the earth also
increases. And this is so-called "Green House Effect".
At present,
the concentration of carbon dioxide doubles that before the Industrial
Revolution . And the global temperature has increased about 1.5~3.5¢J.
Human beings have altered the composition of the atmosphere. Coal-burning
factories and motorcycles release more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than
oceans and forests can absorb. Consequently, the carbon dioxide content of the
atmosphere could double the present level within the next fifty years.
People may
ask: "Is it a serious problem? " My answer is: "Yes!" The
global warming can effect us in many aspects, first of all, the level of the
oceans has risen. A rise of sea level may accompany global warming, possibly in
the range of 0 to 60 cm. The part of some land will be covered. Strictly
speaking, some islands may disappear quietly and without leaving a trace. In
addition, the global warming causes crisis to the ecosystem and agriculture.
Some animals and plants suffer a lot of difficulties due to the global warming.
To sum up, the greenhouse effect not only affects human lives but also causes
pecuniary loss.
The global
warming affects our human daily lives. And we must find the strategies to
decrease the effect, which are caused by global warming. Indeed, human being
have caused a lot of harm to nature, but the final victims who will be badly
hurt will also be humans themselves.
The centrally
"planned" economies produce the most greenhouse gases per unit of
economic output. The United States-with the largest transportation needs of any
nation-produces approximately one-third, or 1.0 metric ton/$1,000 GNP, of the
centrally planned output of CO2. All of the nations that produce
less than the United States are smaller geographically. Japan, often cited for
its efficiency, is second from the bottom of the table, but almost all its
citizens live near each other, and the country is highly nuclear. France, the
cleanest of all, is also the most nuclear and emits .34 metric ton of CO2/$1,000
Water pollution
pollution occurs mostly when people overload the water environment with wastes.
It’s defined as contamination of streams, lakes, underground water, bays or
oceans by substances harmful to living things.
Water is
necessary to life on earth. All organisms contain it, some drink it, some live
in it. Plants and animals require water that is moderately pure, and they
cannot survive if their water is loaded with toxic chemicals or harmful
microorganisms. If severe, water pollution can kill large numbers of fish,
birds, and other animals, in some cases killing all members of a species in an
affected area.
makes streams, lakes, and coastal waters unpleasant to look at, to smell, and
to swim in. Fish and shellfish harvested from polluted waters may be unsafe to
eat. People who ingest polluted water can become ill and if they’re exposed for
a long time, may develop cancers, or have children with birth defects.
There are two
types of water pollution; point source and nonpoint source. Point sources of
pollution occur when harmful substances are put directly into a body of water
(such as an oil spill). A nonpoint source is when pollutants enter the water
indirectly through environmental changes (like when fertilizer is carried into
a stream by rain)
The major
water pollutants are chemical, biological, and physical materials that lessen
the water quality. Pollutants can be separated into eight different classes:
1. Petroleum Products - oil
and chemicals from oil are used for fuel, lubrication, plastics manufacturing,
and many other purposes. The petroleum products get into water by accidental
spills from ships, tanker trucks, and leaky underground storage tanks. Many
petroleum products are poisonous if ingested by animals and spilled oil damages
the feathers of birds and the fur of animals, often causing death.
2. Pesticides and Herbicides
- chemicals used to kill unwanted animals and plants may be carried into
streams by rainwater. The chemicals in these that are not biodegradable can
remain dangerous for a long time.
When an animal
eats a plant that’s been treated with certain non-degradable chemicals, the
chemicals are absorbed into the tissues or the organs of the animals. When
other animals feed on a contaminated animal, the chemicals are passed up to
them. As it goes up through the food chain, the chemical becomes more harmful,
so animals at the top of the food chains may suffer cancers, reproductive
problems, and death.
More than 14
million Americans drink water contaminated by pesticides, and the EPA estimates
that ten percent of wells contain pesticides. Nitrates can cause a lethal form
of anemia called blue baby syndrome in infants.
3. Heavy Metals - heavy
metals, such as copper, lead, mercury, and selenium, get into the water from
industries, automovile exhaust, mines, and natural soil. Heavy metals also
become more harmful as they follow the food chain. When they reach high levels
in the body, they can be immediately poisonous, or can result in long-term
health problems. They can sometimes cause diarrhea and, over time, liver and
kidney damage. Children exposed to lead in water can suffer mental retardation.
4. Hazardous Wastes -
chemical wastes that are either toxic, reactive, corrosive, or ignitable. If
not treated or stored properly, they can pollute water supplies. They can reach
toxic levels when animals eat one another.
5. Excess Organic Matter -
fertilizers and other nutrients used to promote plant growth on farms and in
gardens may fine their way into water. At first the nutrients will help the
plants and algae in the water grow, but when they die and settle underwater,
microorganisms decompose them, while decomposing them the microorganisms take
in oxygen that is dissolved in the water. The oxygen levels in the water may
drop so low that fish and other oxygen-dependent animals in the water
suffocate, and die.
6. Sediment - soil particles
carried to a stream bed, lake, or ocean, if in large amounts, can also be a
pollutant. Soil erosion can damage a stream or lake by adding too much nutrient
matter. Sedimentation can also cover stream bed gravel where many fish lay
their eggs.
7. Infectious Organisms -
many disease causing organisms that are present in small numbers in most
natural waters are considered pollutants when found in drinking water. These
parasites can cause illness, especially in people who are very young or very
old, and in people who are already suffering from other diseases.
8. Thermal Pollution - water
is often taken from rivers, lakes, or the ocean to be used in factories and
power plants. The water is usually returned to the source warmer than when it
was taken. Even a small temperature change in a body of water can drive away
the fish and other species that were originally there, and attract other
species in place of them. Thermal pollution can speed up the biological
processes in plants and animals or lower the oxygen level in the water. Fish and
other wildlife near the discharge source, may die.
Another cause
of pollution, pathogens (bacteria, viruses , and protozoan) can cause many
illnesses from typhoid and dysentery to minor repiratory and skin diseases.
They enter waterways through untreated sewage, storm drains, septic tanks,
runoff from farms, and boats that dump sewage.
To help, we
need to learn about ways for disposing harmful household wastes so they don’t
end up in sewage treatment plants or landfills. In our yards, we should determine
whether or not we need to add nutrients before fertilizers are applied, and
look for alternatives where fertilizers may run off into surface waters. We
need to preserve existing trees and plant new trees and shrubs to help prevent
soil erosion. Around the house we should we need to keep litter, pet waste,
leaves, and grass clippings out of gutters and storm drains, and buy as many
heavily packaged foods, certain boxes, cartons, bottles, etc that are made with
polluting dyes.
Toxic waste pollution
type of pollution that is definitely a threat to human safety is toxic
waste pollution. This type of contamination is caused when the byproducts
of chemical reactions are basically just dumped anywhere the company that
produced them so pleases. Although there are supposedly safe ways of disposing
of these wastes, there is no natural way of ridding the planet of them.
Therefore, most toxic waste is just left out to seep into water sources and
into areas of human development. Usually, the outcome is very serious. Toxic
waste dumpsites near Toms River, NJ have been under fire in recent years due to
the unusually high cancer rates in that town. According to John Whitestone,
since these toxic waste disposal sites have been abandoned, cancer among 12 to
16 year olds has almost quadrupled. (196) Serious diseases have become a huge
debate on the issue of toxic waste disposal, and many people think there needs
to be a safer way of disposing this kind of waste or that alternatives to the
chemical processes that produce these chemicals need to be established.
areas of environmental contamination are nuclear waste, nuclear disaster, and
nuclear war. All three of these are directly related to each other in that all can
result in immediate death and death well after contamination. Nuclear wastes
are the byproducts of nuclear reactions in power plants. There is a very safe
way to dispose of nuclear waste, but it has been proven in the past that many
of these techniques can be harmful to human beings if they are not properly
completed. Nuclear waste contains high levels of radiation. Radiation, in
levels of that height, can kill a person within hours. At lower levels, such as
levels of radiation that someone would encounter over long periods of time,
radiation can cause cancer and leukemia. Radiation is used advantageously in
X-rays and cancer treatment, but it has not truly been proven if these tactics
are actually safe, due to the short period of time of their use.
Nuclear disaster
is just that: a disaster. This can occur at any nuclear power plant, and it is
usually due to a system error in the plant’s computer. A nuclear disaster will
release radioactive gas into the air, threatening the lives of the people
living in that area. The most notable nuclear disaster occurred in Chernobyl,
Ukraine, in April 1986. An error in the nuclear reactor’s core released
radioactive gas into the air, immediately killing 30 people and raising the
radiation levels of areas as far away as 31 miles to 148 times higher than
normal. “Radiation released by this accident is expected to cause about 1000
deaths in Europe over the next 40 years.” (Whitestone, 320) Nuclear disaster
can be avoided if a different energy source is found, but since nuclear energy
is a big money maker, some companies are reluctant to research cheaper and
safer ways to receive energy.
weaponry is not necessarily a form of pollution, but it is definitely a
wasteful, contaminating threat to our environment and well being. Nuclear
weapons use the same type of energy as nuclear power plants, but that energy is
used for mass destruction. Although many countries in the world have nuclear
arsenals, only two atomic bombs have actually been dropped on human beings,
both during World War II on Japanese soil. The first one was dropped on
Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, the second on Nagasaki almost a month later.
Obviously, these bombs were meant to kill people, but it is not clear if anyone
knew the long-lasting effects of their damage.
One reason
nuclear weapons are so useless is that their sheer power can be detrimental for
years afterwards, and cannot bring peace, only death. “Besides the actual
number of people killed by the immediate impact of the two atomic bombs, it is
estimated that almost 100,000 people a year feel the effects of these bombs
through cancer and other radiation-linked diseases.”[7] Nuclear weaponry is
just as damaging to advancement in human development as any other type of
This paper should have made it obvious that human beings are directly
responsible for violating their own human rights. Since most people have no say
in the pollution that is silently killing them, there is no way for them to
know how to change that. Only education and power taken from Big Business can
result in a turnaround for the people of the world. If everyone becomes more
involved in curbing pollution, one day we will live in a pollution free
society. There are many ways to begin that. Children should learn more and more
about recycling and pollution from an early age, and adults should learn how to
prevent pollution in their community. Research needs to be done to come up with
less dangerous ways of disposing of waste and even producing less waste in the
first place. If alternatives to artificial processes are used, pollution may no
longer be a problem in the future; we will live in a pollution free society,
filled with healthy, happy people. Of course, if we keep polluting like this,
then there may not be a future. Our rights as humans are simply that: our
rights. If we keep polluting, then we will no longer have a choice in how
healthy our lives are. These rights are ours to lose, and we have to push our
governments to create laws that will enable us to keep those rights forever.
Environmental movements
movement is a term used for any social or political movement directed towards
the preservation, restoration, or enhancement of the natural environment. Most
environmental movements have similar value systems and moral codes, although
they often diverge in details such as emphasis, priorities, means of action,
and specific goals. They often share the notion that the perception of one's
environment is strongly connected with that of one's self. In this regard, some
environmentalists distinguish themselves from conservationists. Environmental
movements often interact or are linked with other social movements with similar
moral view.
The earliest
major environmental issue in New Zealand was the raising of Lake Manapouri[8] for a hydro-electricity
scheme. The campaign was successful in preventing the lake level from being
raised. Other major issues were nuclear energy, preventing native forest
logging on the West Coast and halting the growing of GE[9] food crops.
In North
America the early environmentalists encouraged emulation of indigenous peoples
and enriching the natural ecology with slow patient effort. For example,
Chapman, also known as “Johnny Appleseed” alone planted millions of apple trees
throughout the United States. The movement had little or no explicit political
character. It was mostly aesthetic. It had no central doctrine. Most of its
proponents did not know each other, but created a powerful discourse that
influenced people strongly at the time.
The Conservation movement was an American invention of John Audubon and others who
invoked Christian reverence for the Creation to protect natural habitat from
man in the 19th century. They lobbied consistently for parks and human
exclusion from "the wild". They saw humans as apart from nature, in line with Judeo-Christian
ethics of the time, and believed that an awe of biodiversity (as we call it
today), would inspire religious piety.
By contrast
with the Conservation movement, early enviromentalists did not lobby for
parks or human exclusion from "the wild". They did not see humans as
apart from nature.
The harshest critic of
the environmental movement in the 20th century was probably Ayn Rand, who
considered it to be the opponent of human morality, creativity and industry.
Largely due to
the political critique and confusion, and a growing concern with the
environmental health problems caused by pesticides, some serious
biologists and ecologists created the scientific ecology movement which
would not confuse empirical data with visions of a desirable future world.
Today it is
the science of ecology, rather than any aesthetic goals, that provide the basis
of unity to most environmentalists.
All would accept some level of scientific input into decisions about
biodiversity or forest use. Most would generally deny that there is such a
thing as “enviromentalism” and consider that phrase an invention of enemies.
The environmental movement today persists in
many smaller local groups, usually within ecoregions. Some resemble the U.S. conservation
movement - whose modern expression is the Sierra Club, National Geographic
Society and other American organizations with a worldwide influence.
"politically neutral" groups tend to avoid global conflicts and view
the settlement of inter-human conflict as separate from regard for nature - in
direct contradiction to the ecology movement and peace movement which have
increasingly close links: While Greenpeace, and other Green Parties for
example, regard ecology, biodiversity and an end to non-human
extinction as absolutely basic to peace, the local groups may not, and may
see a high degree of global competition and conflict as justifiable if it lets
them preserve their own local uniqueness.
There are different types
of environmental organizations. Four of them, I want to mention in my paper.
They are:
Organizations (Environmental NGO[10])
The government
organizations are the government departments or agencies devoted to monitoring
and protecting the environment. In Canada, the most known federal environmental
agency is the Environment Canada. It is responsible for weather forecasting,
managing and administration of National and conservation parks, water and
forest protection and so on. The English Heritage is a United Kingdom
government body with a broad remit of managing the historic environment of
England. Its major responsibilities are the conservation, advising, registering
and protecting the historic environment. The mission of the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is to protect human health and to
safeguard the natural environment: water, air, land.
organizations, such as the European Environment Agency, are devoted to
establishing a monitoring network for monitoring the European environment.
Environmental NGO include only social and cultural groups, whose primary goal
is not commercial. These organizations are involved in lobbying, advocacy, or
conservation efforts.
international organizations, like Greenpeace, Green Cross International and
Friends of Earth, use direct actions to stop the destruction of the natural
environment. At this part I would like to describe the Greenpeace organization
and its action.
Greenpeace is an independent, campaigning organization which uses
non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems,
and to force solutions for a green and peaceful future. Greenpeace's goal is to
ensure the ability of the earth to nurture life in all its diversity. Greenpeace has national
and regional offices in 41 countries worldwide.
The origins of
Greenpeace lie in the formation of the Don't
Make A Wave Committee. Taking its name from a slogan used during
protests against United States nuclear testing in late 1969, the Committee came
together with the objective of stopping a second underground nuclear bomb test
codnamed "Cannikin" by the United States military beneath the island
of Amchitka, Alaska. In September 1971, a fishing vessel skippered by John
Cormack. was named the Greenpeace,
and set sail for the island of Amchitka with the intention of disrupting the
scheduled second nuclear test. Upon their return to Alaska, the crew learned
that protests had taken place in all major Canadian cities, and that the United
States had postponed the second underground test until November. Although
attempts to sail into the test zone using a second chartered vessel also
failed, no further nuclear tests took place at Amchitka. Following Stowe's
departure from the chairmanship of the Don't
Make A Wave Committee, the fledgling environmental group officially
changed its name to the "Greenpeace Foundation".
By the late
1970s, spurred by the global reach of what Robert Hunter called "mind
bombs”, more than 20 groups across North America, Europe, New Zealand and
Australia had adopted the name "Greenpeace".
In 1979,
however, the original Vancouver-based Greenpeace Foundation had encountered
financial difficulties, and disputes between offices over fundraising and
organisational direction split the global movement. David McTaggart lobbied the
Canadian Greenpeace Foundation to accept a new structure which would bring the
scattered Greenpeace offices under the auspices of a single global
organisation, and on October 14, 1979, Greenpeace International came into
existence. Greenpeace's transformation from a loose international network
united by style more than by focus — to a global organisation able to apply the
full force of its resources to a small number of environmental issues deemed of
global significance.
In 1978,
Greenpeace launched the Rainbow Warrior,
a 40-metre, former fishing trawler named for the Creek legend that
inspired early activist Robert Hunter on the first voyage to Amchitka.
Greenpeace purchased the Rainbow Warrior
(originally launched as the Sir William
Hardy in 1955) at a cost of £40,000, and volunteers restored
and refitted her over a period of four months.
The Rainbow Warrior would quickly become a
mainstay of Greenpeace campaigns. Between 1978 to 1985, crew members also
engaged in non-violent direct action against the ocean-dumping of toxic and
radioactive waste, the Grey Seal hunt in the Orkneys and nuclear testing in the
continued protest against nuclear testing at Moruroa atoll prompted the
government of France to order the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior, in Auckland, New Zealand, in 1985.
The Warrior had sailed from the North
Pacific, where it assisted the evacuation of the inhabitants of Rongelap in the
Marshall Islands, who continued to suffer health effects attributed to the
fallout from American nuclear testing during the 1950s and 1960s.
organization currently actively addresses many environmental issues, with
primary focus on efforts to stop global warming and to preserve the
biodiversity of the world's oceans and ancient forests. In addition to the more
conventional environmental organization methods, such as lobbying
politicians and attendance at international conferences, Greenpeace has a
stated methodology of engaging in nonviolent direct action.
uses direct action to attract attention to particular environmental causes,
whether by placing themselves between the whaler's harpoon and their prey, or
by invading nuclear facilities dressed as barrels of radioactive waste.
Some of
Greenpeace's most notable successes include the ending of atmospheric testing
of nuclear weapons, a permanent moratorium on international commercial whaling,
and the declaration by treaty of Antarctica as a global park, forbidding
possession by individual nations or commercial interests. To back up this
latter point, World Park Base was established in Antarctica.
Despite its
founding in North America, Greenpeace achieved much more success in Europe,
where it has more members and gets most of its money. The vast majority of
Greenpeace's donations come from private individual members.
During its
history, Greenpeace has weathered criticism from government and industry, and
on occasion, from other environmental groups. While critics have often focused
on undermining the scientific or factual basis of particular campaigns, the
organisation's system of governance and its use of nonviolent direct action
have also been sources of controversy.
So, pollution is one of the most
burning problems of nowadays. Now millions of chimneys, cars, buses, trucks all
over the world exhaust fumes and harmful substances into the atmosphere. These
poisoned substances pollute everything: air, land, water, birds and animals.
So, it is usually hard to breathe in the large cities where there are lots of
plants. Everything there is covered with soot and dirt. All these affect
harmfully. Every year the atmosphere is polluted by about 1000 tons of
industrial dust and other harmful substances. Big cities suffer from smog. Cars
with their engine have become the main source of pollution in industrial
countries. Vast forests are being cut down for the need of industries in Europe
and USA. The loss of the forests upsets the oxygen balance of the new
wastelands. As the result some species of animals, birds, fish and plants have
disappeared and keep disappearing. To slow down the rate of pollution many
environmental organizations engage in nonviolent actions. But it is surely not
enough to stop the processes that have already began in nature, and that had
been caused by the way we all live. To protect our environment we all should
care and do everything possible to save the nature for our kids.
Country |
Emissions (metric tons CO2/year
GNP (billions of $/year) |
Emissions/GNP Ratio (metric tons CO2/year)
China |
2,236.3 |
South Africa |
284.2 |
79.0 |
3.60 |
Romania |
220.7 |
Poland |
459.4 |
172.4 |
2.66 |
India |
600.6 |
237.9 |
2.52 |
East Germany |
327.4 |
Czechoslovakia |
233.6 |
Mexico |
306.9 |
176.7 |
1.74 |
U.S.S.R. |
3,982.0 |
South Korea |
204.6 |
171.3 |
1.19 |
Canada |
437.8 |
435.9 |
1.00 |
United States |
4,804.1 |
4,880.1 |
.98 |
Australia |
241.3 |
246.0 |
.98 |
United Kingdom |
559.2 |
702.4 |
.80 |
Brazil |
202.4 |
323.6 |
.63 |
West Germany |
669.9 |
1,201.8 |
.56 |
Spain |
187.7 |
340.3 |
.55 |
Italy |
359.7 |
828.9 |
.43 |
Japan |
989.3 |
2,843.7 |
.35 |
France |
320.1 |
949.4 |
.34 |
a Estimates of GNP for centrally planned economies are subject to
large margins of error. These estimates are as much 100 times larger than
those from other sources that correct for availability of goods or use
free-market exchange rates.
b The emissions/GNP is also likely to be underestimated for
centrally planned economies.
Source: National Academy of Sciences, Policy Implications of Global
Warming (Washington, D.C.: 1991).
Крискунов Е.А. Экология
(учебник), М.1995г.
Валерий Павлович
А.Д. Яншин “Научные проблемы
охраны природы и экологии” Экология и жизнь, № 3, 1999 г.
«В мире науки». Журнал, 1990г.,
«Калейдоскоп». Журнал, 1997., #12.
Энциклопедия «Аванта+», т. 19
Экология, М: «Аванта+», 2001г.
Multimedia Editions
Britannica Encyclopedia
(Multimedia Edition)
Internet data:
Advances in
Environmental Research www.elsevier.com
National Academy of
Sciences, Policy Implications of Global Warming (Washington, D.C.: 1991)
Jeannie Allen. “Tango in the Atmosphere: Ozone
& Climate Change”//NASA Earth Observatory. 10.02.2004. http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Study/Tango/
Scientists find Ozone-Destroying
Molecule”//NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. 09.02.2004. http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/topstory/2004/0205dimers.html
Круговорот кислорода. Озоновый экран.”Учебный материал Российской
коллекции рефератов. http://www.referats.net/cgi-bin/referats/rkr/jump.cgi?ID=20073
Styrofoam - пенопласт
[2] Advances in Environmental Research www.elsevier.com
[3] Advances in Environmental Research www.elsevier.com
А.Д. Яншин “Научные проблемы охраны природы и экологии” Экология и жизнь, № 3,
1999 г.
Валерий Павлович Алексеев “ПРИРОДА И ОБЩЕСТВО: ЭТАПЫ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЯ” Экология и
жизнь,№ 2, 2002г.
[6] National Academy of Sciences, Policy Implications of Global Warming
(Washington, D.C.: 1991)
Валерий Павлович Алексеев “ПРИРОДА И ОБЩЕСТВО:
ЭТАПЫ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЯ” Экология и жизнь,№ 2, 2002г.
[8] Lake Manapouri is a lake in the South Island of New Zealand
Genetic engineering
[10] A non-government organization